We’ve got lots of fantastic Pride Month updates this week, and a free birthday gift to celebrate one year of RuneScape on mobile! Plus, Prime Gaming goodies and more.
New Mini-Event: Tales of Pride
Celebrating our LGBTQIA+ community and characters!
Pride Month is a time to celebrate love and LGBTQIA+ identity in all its forms. We're honoured to have such a diverse community playing RuneScape, and so this Pride Month, we want to honour YOU!
We're marking the occasion with a new mini-event expanding on the backstories of Gielinor's LGBTQIA+ characters. Tales of Pride sets you on a journey to discover seven unique stories, written by LGBTQIA+ members of the RuneScape team. through journals and conversations!
The tales will take a little sleuthing to find - they take the form of journals, lorebooks, and conversations, so keep your eyes peeled! Why not hop into your favourite community spaces and hunt them down with friends? Collecting all seven tales unlocks the 2022 Pride Banner that can be used in the weapon slot, as well as a rainbow-coloured variant of the Gators from Het's Oasis!

Stylish and practical!
Speak to the Curator in Burthorpe to collect your Magic Book and begin your adventure.
The event ends on June 30th, but the book will remain in the bookcase of your Player-Owned House for you to peruse year-round.
Happy Pride!
Community Pride Parade
Join J-Mods and the LGBT Corner Clan in the annual parade!
The LGBT Corner Clan have run a few Pride parades in RuneScape now, and they’ve always been a fabulous, fun show of solidarity, with thousands of LGBTQIA+ players and allies joining across multiple worlds. We’re pleased to announce that this year is no different!
The 2022 LGBT Corner Clan Parade will take place next week - so you've lots of time to pick up the 2022 Pride Banner to bring along! On the day, simply head to Lumbridge Castle on June 24th at 17:00 Game Time on World 23.
J-Mods from across Jagex will also be joining the celebration and handing out the special Pride Love Letter variant!
See you there!
Celebrating A Year of Mobile
Log in and claim your free birthday gift!
Can you believe it's already been a year since RuneScape’s mobile launch? The platform has fast become a core part of the player experience, whether you're a mobile main or an occasional skiller on-the-go. In the last year we've launched a raft of updates – including dedicated Ninja Strikes – to further improve the platform, and we're pleased to announce that you've more to look forward to as we explore RuneScape on mobile's full potential.
To mark the one year anniversary, our team has put together a small gift package to show our thanks for a great year since launch. Head to the Marketplace on either desktop or mobile to claim the Mobile 1 Year Anniversary Gift Pack, including the Bullsmith Outfit (previously only available through new mobile Memberships), five Treasure Hunter Keys and one Small Knowledge Bomb (giving 50% Bonus XP for one hour).

We're also marking the occasion with some bonus Key Bundles for a limited time - purchase 200 Keys and you’ll receive three Small Knowledge Bombs free, or for 450 Keys, you’ll get nine Small Knowledge Bombs free.*
The free pack and bonus gifts for 200 and 450 Keys are available from today, June 13th, until June 27th.
*450 Keys with Knowledge Bombs bonus is unfortunately not available on iOS.
Prime Gaming Drop
Membership, a Death Dart and more!
Our latest Prime Gaming drop arrives tomorrow!
This month, claim seven days of Membership and a Prime Package, which features:
- 1 x Death Dart
- 5 x Large Prismatic Lamps
- 2 x Aura Refreshes
- 5 x Pulse Cores
- 1 x monthly D&D reset
Prime Members can grab their goodies from June 14th! Find out more at https://RS.Game/PrimeGaming
Patch Notes
Fixes and improvements in this week's game update
Twilight of the Gods
- If the scanner has been destroyed before talking to the Archivist/Automaton, the message "Oh, I don't have Saradomin's compass with me. I should get another one from him before continuing the search" will be displayed after the conversation.
- Facial hair is no longer visible through the Order of Dis Robe Hood or the Cultist Robe Hood.
- Failure messages will no longer output to the chatbox during the ritual puzzle.
- Fixed various text issues.
- The Cultist's Masks and the Order of Dis Robe override have had their mask textures updated from steel to bronze.
- Adrasteia will now always render on top of other players and NPCs during the quest.
- Armadyl can now be found in his tower at the start of Sliske's Endgame.
- Fixed an issue where some players were unable to progress after completing the Dungeon of Disorder section.
- The green wisp will now spawn as expected if a Guthixian Cache is active.
- Fixed an issue where using the Surge ability to reach the Divination Rift was not showing the message box required for continuation of the quest.
Chaos Die Drop Rates
After completing the Twilight of the Gods Quest, Chaos Die are added to the drop table for all Elder God Wars Dungeon Bosses. Here's a complete Drop Chance list for finding these Die at the bosses!
- Normal Mode: 10/3000 per pile
- Hard Mode: 10/1000 per pile
Arch Glacor
- Normal Mode: 10/2500
- Hard Mode: 10/1000
- One Mode: 10/400
- Normal Mode: 10/120
- Hard Mode: 10/70
Tier 3 luck and above will scale drop rates by 1%
- Wildlife saved by the Ilujanka after the events of Extinction are now present in the dream of Iaia.
- Player's Anachronia base camp resources now update when entering the Dream of Iaia.
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck during the fight with Seren in Extinction.
- Abyssal armour spikes (alloy) now correctly have a 10% chance to deal +900% damage like the normal Armour spikes (alloy) can.
- The skybox override during the Arch-Glacor's Frost Cannon attack will now consistently reset back to the player's original skybox after the attack.
- The Grouping System now correctly categorises the Rex Matriarchs as a boss activity.
- Fixed an issue preventing the last Sharp Shell Shard in a stack from being used when Firemaking.
- The Fletching requirement to imbue Dinarrows with Resonant Anima now accounts for stat boosts.
- The Fletching requirement to make Headless Arrows now accounts for stat boosts.
- The Furnace perk will no longer work on Croesus' Core.
- The Deathless relic power will now correctly prevent penalties for dying in Daemonheim.
- Fixed an issue causing the Herald Cape Crest interface to become unresponsive.
- UI tutorials attached to the backpack, including the Invention tutorial, were not highlighting backpack slots when the Legacy Interface Skin was enabled. This has been fixed. Truly, this is the dawn of a new beige...
- Resolved several pagination issues in the Invention tutorial.
- Bane weaponry modifiers now affect fixed damage as well as random damage, similiar to how Jas Demonbane and Dragonbane Arrows function. This brings them in-line with their tooltip and represents a slight buff to the level 60 Bane gear.
- Added deployable dummies for other types of Bane target to War's Retreat.
- The old version of the Varrock digsite was still present in some cutscenes. This has been changed for the newer version.
- Fixed an issue causing the 'removed coins from money pouch' message to be displayed twice when converting Bonds.
- Changed the deployable dummies in Burthorpe to dummies that cannot fight back.
- The deployable dummy in War's Retreat now has a toggleable 'retaliate' state.
- Dying in War's Retreat is now a Safe Death and will revive the player automatically.
- Tears of Guthix will no longer grant Invention experience if the Invention tutorial has not been completed.
- Updated the fences in Burthorpe to look more up-to-date with our current visual style.
- Mystery Eggs will now give out converted Spirit Ruby and Spirit Dragonstones, rather than the obsolete versions.
- Fixed an issue causing Slayer ability icons to render over the combat UI on mobile.
- Dialogues with Jimmy Dazzler and Hooknosed Jack are now more readable on mobile.
Requirements Changes
In the coming months, RuneScape will no longer support Windows 32-bit builds or graphics cards that do not support OpenGL 3.0 or higher. This change allows us to focus our technical development and testing resources on more commonly-used platforms.
For more information, and to check if your system meets these requirements, head here.
The latest goings-on from our community
Community Showcase
An assortment of awesome art from our lovely community!
@Prezleek learnt the hard way that the Chinchompas won't be thrown anymore! Vive la révolution!
@Yarebear gives us an adorable look into Mahjarrat social media.
@Glacyte has designed some beautiful staves inspired by the original designs for Raksha!
@Chunksofplum's Baby Dino is a big believer in visualising their dreams! You can do it, little dino! We believe in you!
A special shout out to @Siroquois for this gargantuan scene from Ardougne featuring a whole host of cameos from members of the RuneScape Art Community. Seriously, it's massive. Click in and zoom around for the full experience. Absolutely stellar work!
Pink Skirts Player Events
Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week:
Nex - Angel Of Death
- Hosted by: Pippyspot & Boss Guild
- Date/Time: Friday June 17th, 20:00 Gametime
- World: 88
- Location: God Wars Dungeon - Ancient Prison
- FC: Boss Guild
Nex - Angel of Death
- Hosted by: Spotleewolf & Nexaodmass
- Date/Time: Friday June 17th, 23:00 Gametime
- World: 92
- Location: God Wars Dungeon - Ancient Prison
- FC: Nexaodmass
- Hosted by: Pippyspot & Boss Guild
- Date/Time: Saturday June 18th, 20:00 Gametime
- World: 88
- Location: The Heart of Gielinor - Seren Lobby
- FC: Boss Guild
If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. There’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!
Community Spotlight
Shining a little light into some community events and activities
March for Mental Health
The wonderful folks over at SupportScape and ScreenieScape recently held a March for Mental Health, and here are some of the wonderful screenshots capturing it!
It's always so heartwarming to see players come together for a great cause. Bonus points for being so stylish, too!
Wooglegoo's Stream Anniversary Party Hat Bingo!
As part of celebrating their 2nd year of streaming Wooglegoo has made plans to run a massive PvM Bingo Contest!

It will be kicking off on the 15th of June, Head on over to their Discord & Twitch to find out more and help celebrate this milestone!